Feedback is requested from the general CRRAB membership on a future event, the One Retinoblastoma World Conference; and a current project, the Retinoblastoma Journey Maps. Please take some time to read about these endeavours and answer short surveys.
One Retinoblastoma World 2020 Conference
The One Retinoblastoma World Conference is held every two years and gathers eye and cancer specialists, researchers, parents and survivors from around the world to pursue the best possible care for all children affected by retinoblastoma. Collaborative research, clinical care and family support benefitting the majority of children can only be developed through these inclusive meetings with a real-world focus. This conference is regularly scheduled ahead of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP) congress which this year is being held in October in Ottawa, Canada. However, due to the uncertainty created by the COVID-19 pandemic the conference host, International Retinoblastoma Consortium and associated organizations World Eye Cancer Hope and local conference co-hosts, the Canadian Retinoblastoma Research Advisory Board, the International Retinoblastoma Consortium and the Canadian Retinoblastoma Society, have decided to hold the One Retinoblastoma World 2020 Conference virtually. This novel structure will allow for global collaboration and networking while prioritizing attendee health and safety. The virtual conference will consist of the same components as an in-person meeting (i.e., presentations, panel discussions and workshops), all hosted online. At this time we are requesting feedback from our community on potential dates and agenda items. Please click the link below to complete a quick survey to provide your response. Your feedback is greatly appreciated!
Retinoblastoma Journey Maps
In order to address the Retinoblastoma Research Priority #9, a prototype of a patient-centered pathway of care has been developed which we call the Retinoblastoma Journey Map. Please refer to the newsletter article “2020 Retinoblastoma Research Symposium – Priority #9 Research Workshop – Creating a Prototype of the Retinoblastoma Journey Map” for more information.
We are looking for your feedback on different aspects of the RB Journey Map. Please provide your feedback by clicking the link below where you will be directed to a questionnaire to complete. The questionnaire should take about 30 minutes.