Author: Kaitlyn Flegg

The International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP) was developed in 1969 and is the only global multidisciplinary society devoted entirely to paediatric and adolescent cancers. SIOP’s vision is that no child should die of cancer. The annual SIOP Congress is the world’s largest annual paediatric oncology meeting, gathering thousands of medical professionals and patient advocates from every corner of the globe to share and build knowledge for children with cancer. Historically, One Retinoblastoma World conferences have been coordinated in the same location as, and directly prior to, the SIOP Congress.
A virtual SIOP Congress took place October 14-17. Here we described projects being led by the Canadian Retinoblastoma Research Advisory Board (CRRAB) to address Canadian Retinoblastoma Research Priorities #3 and #9. Additionally, Dr. Helen Dimaras (founder of CRRAB), shared results from a project that developed a patient education booklet about retinoblastoma genetics for Kenyan families.