Author: Fiona Hendry
What are the clinical practice guidelines?
Clinical practice guidelines are recommendations based on the best available evidence about a particular therapeutic area. They are intended to enhance patient care.
Clinical practice guidelines for retinoblastoma
Published in 2009, the Canadian National Retinoblastoma Strategy was the first ever set of retinoblastoma clinical practice guidelines. These guidelines were adapted for the Kenyan National Retinoblastoma Strategy, published in 2014.
Thanks to ongoing research, there have been great strides in improving the outcomes of children with retinoblastoma. That’s why a newer, updated set of clinical practice guidelines are being produced.
This project co-chaired by Dr. Katherine Paton and Dr. Brenda Gallie. Dr. Paton is an Ocular Oncologist at BC Children’s Hospital and Head of the Division of Ocular Oncology and Clinical Professor in the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at the University of British Columbia. Dr. Gallie is Head of Retinoblastoma Programs at The Hospital for Sick Children and Alberta Children’s Hospital and Professor in the Departments of Ophthalmology and Vision Science, Medical Biophysics and Molecular Genetics at the University of Toronto.
Retinoblastoma clinical practice guidelines sections
There are 10 guidelines sections, as follows:
- Screening
- Features and Classification of Retinoblastoma Treatment Centres
- Referral and Diagnosis
- Genetic Analysis
- Pathology
- Imaging
- Treatment
- Follow-up
- Psychosocial Care and Access to Services
- Public Awareness and Education
How are the Canadian retinoblastoma clinical practice guidelines being developed?
The retinoblastoma clinical practice guidelines will be developed following a rigorous process, including a structured review of the quality of every relevant research study and how it might apply in clinical practice. Like the original clinical practice guidelines, the process will also include a review by additional experts, including retinoblastoma survivors and family members, and international experts.
Retinoblastoma experts (generally from Canada) were selected to lead the aforementioned sections. Section leads started meeting remotely in late 2017 with an in person meeting June 1, 2018.
Stay tuned for more information about the clinical practice guidelines, including opportunities for retinoblastoma survivors and families to participate!

The updated Canadian retinoblastoma clinical practice guidelines were discussed by a group of retinoblastoma experts during the annual Canadian Ophthalmological Society meeting June 1, 2018. Top Row (left to right): Dr. Lisa Lagrou, Dr. Katie Clapson, Dr. Kelsey Roelofs, Dr. Stephanie Kletke, Dr. Andrew Budning, Dr. Carlos Solarte, Dr. Patrick Hamel, Dr. Ian Clark, Dr. Louis-Etienne Marcoux , Dr. Jane Gardiner, Dr. Annick Fournier, Dr. Rob Downie. Bottom Row: Ms. Beverley Griffiths, Dr. Katherine Paton, Dr. Brenda Gallie, Ms. Kaitlyn Hougham, Dr. Hilary Racher, Dr. Junyang Zhao