Detection: Second Cancer Screening
What second cancer screening is optimal for heritable retinoblastoma survivors
(including whole body magnetic resonance imaging)?
Approximately 45% of retinoblastoma patients have the heritable form of retinoblastoma. The heritable form has a risk of second cancers later in life for the patient, as well as the risk of it being passed on to the patient’s offspring.
Why Is This One of the Top 10 Retinoblastoma Research Priorities?
In order to diagnose second cancers we need effective screening protocols. Current screening practices need to be evaluated for effectiveness.
Personal Story
I am a mom of triplets who were diagnosed with bilateral retinoblastoma. This genetic mutation puts them at risk to develop other cancers throughout their lives. They are recommended to have lifelong follow up care but the missing piece is – how? We need protocols in place to catch these secondary cancers earlier and improve outcomes.
RP Parent
Progress Towards This Priority
Ongoing Research
Completed Research
Patient Engagement Level For This Priority
Patient Engagement Legend

Limited or Unknown Engagement. For this priority, there is limited or no evidence that patients are meaningfully engaged in research.

Some Engagement. For this priority, there is evidence that patients are meaningfully engaged in some parts of research.

Full Engagement. For this priority, there is evidence that patients are meaningfully engaged in the full spectrum of research.
In order to promote patient engagement in retinoblastoma research, we have provided an estimate of the level of patient engagement for each of the Top 10 Priorities, based on what can be discerned from the published literature. This means we may have missed some research where patients are being meaningfully engaged, because it is not reported. If you think we’ve made an error, please let us know via email.