Author: Leslie Low, retinoblastoma parent

Families in Western Canada are invited to attend a Retinoblastoma Family Day. Event will be held on October 5, 2019 from 10am-4pm. This is a great opportunity to connect with other retinoblastoma families!
Morgan Livingstone (child life specialist) is flying out from Toronto to run a child life program – this is a great opportunity to help kids learn to be more comfortable with their condition and procedures. While the Child Life program is running, we will have a robust education session for the adults. Several retinoblastoma experts have agreed to come and share their wisdom including Dr Gallie (ophthalmologist), Dr Ronald Anderson (oncologist), and Shirley Weyland (occularist). We will be discussing important topics such as second cancers, pathway of care for treatment (especially when the trips to Toronto become less frequent), and how we as patients can help drive the research forward and provide a better future for retinoblastoma. Any person who has been impacted by retinoblastoma is welcome to attend!